Michele Guarnieri


Representative Director
HiBot Corporation
Tokyo, Japan


HiBot Corporation – Robotic Solutions for Preventive Maintenance of Infrastructures


HiBot Corporation since its establishment has been committing for the development of practical robotic solutions for extreme environments.

Strong of the latest award received by the World Economic Forum as a Technology Pioneer 2015, it's now engaging with foreign companies as well to supply solutions for performing dangerous jobs where human should not or cannot go.

A few business case will be presented to show how HiBot tackles these problematic with its innovative developments.


Dr. Michele Guarnieri received his “Laurea” degree in Computer Science from the University of Verona (Italy) in 2000. After being awarded with the Monbukagakusho Scholarship (from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) he moved to Japan in 2001 at Tokyo Institute of Technology with the Prof. Hirose and Prof. Fukushima Laboratory. There he achieved the MS and PhD degrees in Mechanical and Aerospace Enginnering respectively in 2004 and 2007. He was also awarded with the JSPS Fellowship grant for a period of 2 years of research at Tokyo Institute of Technology from 2007 to 2009. He is now managing HiBot Corporation, a startup company from Tokyo Institute of Technology of which he is a co-founder since 2004 and now Representative Director. He was awarded with the “Best presentation award” in 2004 for his MS degree at TokyoTech and with the “Best System Integration Award, SI2006, IEEE SICE-ICASE Int. Joint Conf” in 2006 and the 4th Robot Award from METI for the HiBot Expliner robot for power line inspections. Under his management together with the core co-founders, HiBot has been recently recognized as new Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum.